Sunday, May 10, 2015

Saudi Arabia bombing Yemen

U.N. rep accuses Saudis of violating international law

Over the course of 2 days, Friday and Saturday, a Saudi-led coalition rained missiles from above onto the country of Yemen. A U.N. official has declared that this attack is a direct breach of international humanitarian law.

The Saudis have admitted to executing 130 airstrikes over the course of a 24 hour period. Of course in this, schools and hospitals have been targeted.

On the Saudi's defense, the hospitals and schools being targeted are claimed to be secret weapons storage for the Houthi leaders. Also targeted in these strikes are presumed Houthi leader headquarters. The Saudi Arabian government has warned civilians to evacuate particular cities and the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

Saudi officials claim that Houthi rebels have prevented the fleeing of many Saudi civilians which is the main cause of the thousands of reported civilian casualties. 

The U.N. humanitarian coordinator for Yemen, Johannes Van Der Klaauw, claims that "The indiscriminate bombing of populated areas, with or without prior warning, is in contravention of international humanitarian law."

As of now, over 1400 lives have been claimed and over 6000 reported injuries in a Saudi push to restore the government of Yemen.

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